TICA & WCF registered and certified Cattery
Cattery of cats of breed Maine Coon «Maine Coon of my dreams»
Имя: Wendy of Norman Los

:  27.11.2016
:  torbie blotched & white lockets

Angel Nord of Norman LosForest Lynx Domna


РодителиБабушка и дедушкаПра-бабушки и пра-дедушкиПра-пра-бабушки и пра-пра-дедушки
MaleAngel Nord of Norman Los
Maine Coon, red blotched tabby & white lockets
Титул: W.Ch.
MaleN*Lilletuns November Rain
Maine Coon, d2209
Malelnt.Ch.N'Lilletuns Jaguar
Maine Coon, d2209
FemaleJustcoons Wendy Darling
Maine Coon, f22
FemaleGracia Le-Baron Elcontra
Maine Coon, f22
MaleLe-Baron Long Meadow*RU
Maine Coon, d23
FemaleSati Blue Moon
Maine Coon, as
FemaleForest Lynx Domna
Maine Coon, silver blotched torbie
Титул: MCO
MaleAnel Briliant Jhak Po"I
Maine Coon, d22
MaleBekkercoon'Finn P.Fin
Maine Coon, d2203
FemaleBambi Anel Briliant
Maine Coon, e2309
FemaleCh. Eremia
Maine Coon, n22
MaleCh.Gladiator Consior Line*RU
Maine Coon, n22
FemaleGemma Don CoonRu
Maine Coon, n22