TICA & WCF registered and certified Cattery
Cattery of cats of breed Maine Coon «Maine Coon of my dreams»
Имя: Vesuvio Gonsior Line RU

:  19.07.2013
:  black-tabby mack.
:  Int.Ch

Pillowtalk's Ti AmoU-Camilla Gonsior Line


РодителиБабушка и дедушкаПра-бабушки и пра-дедушкиПра-пра-бабушки и пра-пра-дедушки
MalePillowtalk's Ti Amo
Maine Coon, blue/white
MaleButterflydusts Gentleman Gianno
Maine Coon, n 09
FemalePillowtalk's Nizza
Maine Coon, a 09
FemaleU-Camilla Gonsior Line
Maine Coon, black tabby blotched
MaleAlladin Gonsior Line
Maine Coon, as 09 22
FemalePillowtalk's Queen
Maine Coon, f 22